Helpful Tools: Add Icons to Your Design - Help Center

Add Icons to your Design

Learn how to add icons to menu items to denote food allergens, dietary callouts, or spice level indicators.

All standard Menu Icons within the default MustHaveMenus Icon Library have generic ADA Accessibility Text descriptions for screen readers*.

Add Menu Icons
From within the design editor, select a Menu Group, then select a specific menu item.
In the text editing window, select +Icon.

The standard MustHaveMenus Icon Library will appear. 
There is a section for Uploaded Icons, which are Custom Menu Icons, available only through our Pro plan

Click to select the desired Menu Icon, which will automatically show on the design. 

After an icon has been used on a design, that specific icon will show towards the top of the Icon Library, in a section titled This Menu.

Remove a Menu Icon

To remove a Menu Icon from an item, select the menu item within a Menu Group. 
In the text editing window, select +Icon.

Select the Trash can to delete an icon.  Select Clear All if there are multiple icons associated with a specific item. 

Customize Menu Icon Color & Placement

By default, Menu Icons will inherit colors used on menu text.
To adjust the appearance of Menu Icons, select Text and then Style.

The color of Menu Icons can be adjusted, as well as the placement. 
Current placement options for Menu Icons are before the item name, or after the menu name.
To change the color of the Menu Icons, simply select the color box beneath Icons.

Select a color through the different options. 

To alter the placement of Menu Icons, select one of the icons.

For more visual guidance, please watch this short video demonstrating the process:

*Read more about web content accessibility from the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative.
Guideline 1.1 – Text Alternatives
Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.

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